Seniors Dentistry

seniors dentistryWhy Is Seniors Dentistry Important?

As we age, our dental health can take a turn for the worse and this makes seniors dentistry a priority. The process of natural aging and wear and tear can begin to take their toll. In the grand scheme of things, sadly, regular dental care is one of the first things to be left out or forgotten about for seniors. What most people don’t realise is that dental health directly impacts the health and well-being of a multitude of other bodily systems and processes. Failure to maintain proper dental health can lead to an increased risk of heart disease, infections, and other ailments.


What Conditions Are Commonly Encountered In Seniors?

Some common dental issues that seniors face are:

What Can Be Done To Help Seniors Keep A Healthy Mouth?

By keeping up with regular dental checkups, receiving dental cleanings, undergoing routine procedures such as fillings, crowns, denture adjustments, or root canals, and being diligent about brushing and flossing every day, seniors can largely avoid many dental and oral health complications altogether.  Seniors are advised to brush twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste on a soft toothbrush, rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash, clean dentures or partials thoroughly and regularly, get dentures routinely adjusted, quit smoking, visit the dentist regularly, and eat a well-balanced diet.

What Happens During A Seniors Dentistry Appointment?

During a routine examination, seniors can expect the dentist to ask about changes or sensitivities to the teeth and mouth, difficulty swallowing or speaking, pain, discomfort, or bleeding of the mouth, or any lumps or swelling and other areas of concern. During the exam, soft tissue will also be examined to check for any lumps or abnormalities. Overall, the dentist is interested in getting a full picture of their aging patient’s health so that they may help them improve dental health, prevent potential issues, and treat any current conditions. Let the experienced and caring dental team at Divine Dental Care look after your dental health.